Spark Pharmacy can put your medication into blister/compliance packs, similar to your pillbox at home. The added benefit of using our staff for this service is that you get a guarantee that your pack is dispensed according to your doctor’s orders, filled correctly, and checked accurately. This helps to eliminate medication errors and duplication, especially when being prescribed medications from various doctors/specialists.

Medication adherence is extremely important and thus this service helps to ensure you are compliant with your medication but also taking it accurately. This helps to eliminate medication errors and duplication. We also help to take care of needing refills from your doctor and assist in eliminating the need to the doctor’s office for a refill on your medications, as well as this eliminates repeated visits to the pharmacy. Essentially, we spend some time to “Set it then forget it”!


  • Safety – reduce the chance of missed doses or double doses. You get the right medication at the right time.
  • Compliance – you know whether you’ve taken or missed a dose.
  • Convenience – we do all of the work to organize your medications for you.
  • Updated - Your packs will always reflect your most current doctors orders and personal preferences. This can include your daily vitamins and supplements too.
  • Free – we only charge what you would normally pay for the medications, the service itself is free of charge

Ready to start?

We'll review what you take and how you take it and customize the pack to match your needs.

Schedule Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a free service. We do not charge anything extra for producing your packs. Any charges to the patient (e.g. deductibles and copays) are charged as usual. Nothing Extra. Just remember that this service will free up time at home for you and your loved ones, reduce the risk of error, and is checked for safety and accuracy each time by the pharmacy team.

We can produce 1, 2 or 4 weeks at a time. It is automatically produced by our staff and always scheduled to be ready for you BEFORE you need it. Don’t forget we offer free local delivery.

We can include both prescription and non-prescription medications in your pack. If you have a surplus of vitamins at home, we can put them in your pack for you to eliminate wasting them. Once finished, we will supply the vitamins in your pack and you simply pay for what you use. This helps eliminate the need for buying excessive vitamins that end up not being used.

You can cancel at any time. Simply notify us before your next pack is produced. If there is an issue with the service, we kindly ask for any and all feedback to ensure we are servicing as best as possible.